TARGETED INDIVIDUAL HANDBOOK: a handbook for the Targeted individual to identify and counter gangstalking and directed e
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TARGETED INDIVIDUAL HANDBOOK: a handbook for the Targeted individual to identify and counter gangstalking and directed energy weapons Introduction 1) What and Why? 2) Who 3) Solutions 4) References Marching Orders
INTRODUCTION The phenomenon of state-sponsored terrorism is nothing new and has been orchestrated by the architects of destruction, the hidden hand of judeo-freemasonry since time immemorial. Imposing trauma-based mind control on the common folk is the mechanism of power relied upon to maintain power-mind control, world control. The shadow government of the cabal is comprised of jews (a biological mongrel race bound up with entities which control them) and their 'shabbos goyim' (meaning 'stupid animals' in yiddish, referring to the non-jewish tools they exploit to absorb total power for themselves). The cabal has been in existence for thousands of years and is poised for the realization of their plans for global dominion and enslavement of all to their despotic will as of the time of this writing. This handbook treats of the foremost particular means employed in the manipulation of the common folk beyond that of chemtrails; electro-magnetic fields broadcast from cell towers and other arrays; the poisoned food (GMOs) and water supply (chlorine; fluoride; estrogenic substances and synthetic chemicals); coerced taxation and wage slavery; media and educationindoctrination system propaganda and mind control among other technotronic control mechanisms. The cabal has allegiance towards itself alone and to the entites which control it. The society engineered and controlled by the cabal is structured as a trapezoidal geometrical figure in terms of power share: Jews are at the top of the trapezoid in the physical dimension with freemasons and other illuminist groups subordinate. Under the controlling elite the population is divided into rival camps based upon occult principles of polarity: masculine (right wing) and feminine (left wing). The whole of "the system" of the judeo-masonic theocracy operates in secrecy and is hierarchically compartmentalized with advancement or demotion based upon the degree of loyalty given to the cabal and the use value of the individual thereto.
This loyalty entails an agenda of endeavoring to eliminate, to genocide, the white race as the greatest threat to the world rule of the cabal as those of pure blood (the white race), listen to the call of the blood memory and are not willing to sell out to the cabal for self-serving ends to as great an extent as other groups as the white race intuitively understands the difference between good (harmony) and evil (cacophony) and what is harmonious is the preservation of the organism of which one is a part, the racial soul. That the white race is that most elevated in its consciousness can be inferred from its vertical tendency towards the higher planes of existence, towards the spiritual realms and its essential drive towards maintaining a harmonious world order. The cabal of judeo-freemasonry seeks a world order based upon greed; usury; trickery and deceit. It seeks to destroy the identity of all and to reduce all to a mongrel mass in the crucible of its power politics, the divide and conquer tactics it employs to create chaos and impose its order. Those who oppose the cabal are targeted and those of pure blood, those of a healthy mind incorruptible by its influence are foremost in the crosshairs. This group, especially those who are the most intelligent and intuitive amongst them, are prime target's for the cabal's use of the following means of global enslavement. It is the wish of the author and compiler that this handbook be spread as widely and effectively as possible (reaching the reachable and those who will take action) so that the crimes of the cabal will be exposed and ultimately the balance of justice they have upset rectified. The following work is largely a synthesis of existent material on the phenomen of targeted individuals, gangstalking and directed energy weapons, identifying what they are, how they are used, by whom and why. Either this information will get out and the cabal be exposed and overthrown through effective necessary action or there will be no future for this world. This handbook is designed to be a contribution to the overthrow. Spread it- it is an arrow in the black hearts of the architects of destruction.
1) WHAT and WHY?: A) Definitions: "Organized Stalking is a well-organized, occult form of covert harassment used against an individual. It is done by large groups of people who systematically & repeatedly harass individuals. This has also been called Cause Stalking, Gang Stalking, Community-based Harassment, Organized Vigilante Stalking, Vengeance Stalking, Terrorist Stalking, Revenge Stalking, Covert Action, State-Sponsored Harassment, Microwave Harassment, Microwave MindControl, etc. All of these labels explain the same basic phenomenon." (Rich, State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns: The Hidden Evil",pg. 28-29).
"Mobbing, also referred to by some as bullying, psychological terrorism, and organizational violence is described as a collective form of psychological violence in which many individuals unite to persecute an individual Mobbing is a way of destroying a person without using any physical means Degrading themes are often used to try to prevent people from coming forward." (ibid., pg.35) "Operations [are] designed to intimidate and destabilise [targeted individuals, 'TIs' for short] by subjecting them to repeated disappointment, and to socially alienate them by interfering with and disrupting their relationships with others as in social undermining. The aim was to induce personal crises in victims, leaving them too unnerved and psychologically distressed to have the time and energy for anti-government activism. " (zersetzung, pg. 1) "What we are seeing now is a globally co-ordinated and organised effort of control and conformity. Many countries around the world are currently using a model of policing called Community Oriented Policing [ie.gangstalking]." ( “Organized Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a person’s life so they will: have a nervous break-down, become imprisoned, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment. It is a “ganging up” by members of the community who follow an organised method and participate in a systematic “terrorizing” of an individual.” ( "What are the goals of Gang Stalking? The usual goal is to isolate the target from all forms of support so that the target can be set up in the future for arrest, institutionalisation or forced suicide." (Stasi tactics-Zersetzung,pg.4) This is called "sikul memukad" in Hebrew (targeted killing) "The Zersetzung ['decomposition' in German] of individuals was usually carried out by systematically undermining the target’s quality of life (both socially and in the workplace) with the intention of simply destroying the target’s confidence. The tactics used took various forms, such as spreading slanderous rumours, causing trouble at work etc. " (ibid.) Organized harassment is a form of "Fourth Generation Warfare- is a form of political/information warfare waged against civilians by a state or other entity. It utilizes civilians and the military, indeed all of society, to target civilian adversaries (aka “domestic state enemies,” “insurgents,” extremists, non-state actors, “cells of fanatics,” citizen “terrorists”) who value national sovereignty and/or pose some perceived threat to the state’s interests." (“Instruction Manual for Community Gang Stalkers”). "This[...]never ending systemic[...]harassment, influence and manipulation of the targeted individual [] specifically designed to control the target with the aim of keeping them in line or the[...] destruction (Zersetzung) [of their soul].
("Zersetzung - The East German Secret Police Methodology of Psychological Decomposition",pg.3) "The long-term objectives of these harassment and experimentation campaigns appear to be quite fundamental; (1) induce a sense of perverted loyalty toward the very agencies engaged in the individual s harassment (2) redirect the targeted individual s feelings of hopelessness, anger and frustration toward racial and ethnic groups (3) force the individual to commit an act of violence, whether suicide or murder, under conditions which can be plausibly denied by the government." Microwave Harassment & Mind-Control Experimentation, Julianne McKinney, Director Electronic Surveillance Project, Association of National Security Alumni "[T]he objective of the campaign is to separate a person from friends/family, keep them unemployed, induce homelessness, & reduce the quality of life so much that they suffer a nervous breakdown, cause them to commit suicide, or end up medicated, incarcerated/institutionalized." (Rich, State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns:The Hidden Evil", pg.45). "7. Our kingdom will be an apologia of the divinity Vishnu, in whom is found its personification in our hundred hands will be, one in each, the springs of the machinery of social life. We shall see everything without the aid of official police which, in that scope of its rights which we elaborated for the use of the GOYIM, hinders governments from seeing. In our programs ONETHIRD OF OUR SUBJECTS WILL KEEP THE REST UNDER OBSERVATION from a sense of duty, on the principle of volunteer service to the State. It will then be no disgrace to be a spy and informer, but a merit: unfounded denunciations, however, will be cruelly punished that there may be no development of abuses of this right. 8. Our agents will be taken from the higher as well as the lower ranks of society, from among the administrative class who spend their time in amusements, editors, printers and publishers, booksellers, clerks, and salesmen, workmen, coachmen, lackeys, et cetera. This body, having no rights and not being empowered to take any action on their own account, and consequently a police without any power, will only witness and report: verification of their reports and arrests will depend upon a responsible group of controllers of police affairs, while the actual act of arrest will be performed by the gendarmerie and the municipal police. Any person not denouncing anything seen or heard concerning questions of polity will also be charged with and made responsible for concealment, if it be proved that he is guilty of this crime. 9. JUST AS NOWADAYS OUR BRETHREN, ARE OBLIGED AT THEIR OWN RISK TO DENOUNCE TO THE KAHAL APOSTATES OF THEIR OWN FAMILY or members who have been noticed doing anything in opposition to the KAHAL, SO IN OUR KINGDOM OVER ALL THE WORLD IT WILL BE OBLIGATORY FOR ALL OUR SUBJECTS TO OBSERVE THE DUTY OF SERVICE TO THE STATE IN THIS DIRECTION." ("Protocols of the Elders of Zion", Protocol 17,sections 7-9)
B) 3 STAGES OF 'Zersetzung' ('decomposition') the terrorist protocol of the Hidden Hand: 1) Targeting (investigation and surveillance) 2) Gangstalking 3) Electronic Harassment (directed energy weapons, a.k.a 'D.E.Ws') 1) Targeting (investigation and surveillance) Targeting "begins with [i)]surveillance so that a person's personality traits can be catalogued."(Rich, pg.19). "Targets are constantly monitored and if a target responds emotionally to a particular trigger, that will be built into the protocol." ( Julianne McKinney). From there it progresses to ii) investigation. "The bogus investigation appears to be the platform used to launch the smear campaign & remove a person's support structure." (ibid., pg.20) "The people who organize these harassment programs will try to assassinate your character. They will carry a case file on you that they will use for character assassination & to gain community support." (ibid.) i) Surveillance and ii) investigation: "They will set up a base of operation in your neighbourhood to conduct surveillance." "They will sublet, lease, rent property above, below or to the sides of your living space to do this. Money is no object as they have an unlimited budget. Half-truths, setups, & outright lies WILL be used. If you re an Organized Vigilante Stalking target, the investigation is not a means to an end, it is an end unto itself." (ibid.). "Gang Stalking begins the targeted individual may at first be placed under covert forms of surveillance. The person will probably be monitored 24/7. Foot patrols and vehicle patrols may be used to follow the individual as well as electronic means as part of the monitoring, psychological profiling process. Once the psychological profile is complete, the Gang Stalking can commence." ("Zersetzung - The East German Secret Police Methodology of Psychological Decomposition") "The first stage of Zersetzung was an evaluation of all state held data and information, eg medical records, school reports, police records, intelligence reports, searches of target’s residence. At this point they were looking for any weak points (social, emotional or physical) that could be used as a way to put pressure on the target[...]that could be used to socially isolate them." ("Stasi Tactics – Zersetzung") "[T]he group will be watching your home from their bases of operation using triangulation....Devices such as radar flashlights & millimeter wave devices, like the ones used at airports may be used such as The Life Assessment Detector System (LADS). It has a range of
about 135 feet can & can detect heartbeat & respiration. It can also be configured to track a specific person s movement inside a building." (ibid.) "Both community-based agent (CBA) visual surveillance and advanced electronic surveillance are used." (“Instruction Manual for Community Gang Stalkers”, pg. 2) 2) GANGSTALKING "Once the psychological profile is complete, the Gang Stalking can commence. Gang Stalking generally originates from when a covert investigation is opened on an individual and teams of plain clothes police officers, citizen informants/snitches and snoopers are deployed to obsessively harass the targeted individual usually to an extreme degree" ("Zersetzung - The East German Secret Police Methodology of Psychological Decomposition", pg.2) "The next stage was often to supplement covert surveillance with overt observation in order to communicate to the target that they were of interest to the Stasi and to create a sense of insecurity and paranoia." (Stasi Tactics – Zersetzung, pg.4) The Gangstalking; Organized Stalking or mobbing protocol targets both the person and their property as well as those the cabal believes they care for as a means of harming the targeted individual. The following section covers examples of particular tactics employed and the desired effect of the perpetrators though it is by no means exhaustive. i) Property: Thefts & Break-ins 'Thefts may be reduced to small inexpensive items. But some targets have reported jewelry, passports & other important items stolen. There is usually no sign of forced entry. This is done to let you know that they ve been in your home. These cults are obsessed with all aspects of a targeted person s life. Personal items may be passed around to group members & are apparently symbolic of the control the group has over their target." (Rich, State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns: The Hidden Evil",pg. 22) Sabotage & Vandalism "This happens at home & in the workplace. Electronic equipment may constantly be failing. This may be accomplished with the e-bomb or a similar device[...]Projects you ve worked on the previous day may become broken. Many times this vandalism is usually just below what you'd report to the police." (Rich, State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns: The Hidden Evil",pg. 23) "Where the target owns substantial land, noxious activities can be arranged and built for next to the property. In one case, a dump, an auto race track, and a prison were built adjacent to a target who owned a large farm in an area of natural beauty. While this is rare, it does illustrate
commitment to delivering punishment to those “deserving” of it." ("Bright Light on Black Shadows",Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde, ch.18) While this is not necessarily property damage it is a destruction of the right to the quiet enjoyment of the premises and to the market value of the property thus harming the targeted individual indirectly as with most of the gagnstalking protocols. ii) Person: The assault against the person is of course the ultimate purpose of the Hidden hand. The cabal targets the person a) economically;b) legally; c) socially; d) physically and 3) most importantly psycho-spiritually all of whichspecific forms of assault are interpenetrating given that the person is a multidimensional being whose sphere of influence participates in these spheres. The following amplifies upon how the person (T.I) is affected in these ways: a) Economic Sabotage: Blacklisting "Gang Stalking groups will interfere with every personal & business relationship you have.(7) Since they are state sanctioned they can easily keep you unemployed. Job opportunities will be trashed. They get paid to make sure that you don't. Most targeted people are unemployed." (Rich, State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns: The Hidden Evil",pg. 23). Bank accounts may be shut down or sabotaged through white collar crime; online transactions may be obstructed from other financial mediums or major or minor sellers. Attempting to sell or buy on the internet will also be obstructed through sharp pratices or preventing from occuring by the perps. Should one attempt to sell real estate he will lose on the value as with other sales as the cabal has a monopoly on the real estate industry/profession. Also any other commodity of negotiable value is subject to loss of its value if sold for the same reason (eg. bullion; collectibles; etc.) b) Legal Sabotage: Reporting things to the police should adhere to the extensive protocols and advice outlined in:"Information Handling in the Fight to Expose and Stop the Crime of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment"[O.S.E.H], Eleanor White In brief one should avoid dealing with police (see below in the section "Coping", subsection "Dealing With Police") The cabal utilizes police both plain clothes and undercover in their O.S.E.H campaign against T.Is and they are perhaps with some exceptions involved to varying degrees, the higher up in the hierarchy they are the more compromised and more corrupt they are. Officers of the rank of Sargeant and above are invariably freemasons who are the shabbos goy ('stupid animal' in yiddish) of their jewish masters. Hence they cannot be trusted.
Police work with private security 'professionals' (locksmiths and alarm system companies as well as private security guards and their managers) to spy on and break and enter into T.I's residences for harassment and sabotage purposes. The legal system, being under the control of the cabal (a noahide-talmudic court which has supplanted the common law) employs lawyers and judges who will seek to railroad anyone they can frame as having violated their laws or bylaws throgh the system and give them the heaviest penalties they are able. Advice: trust no member of the legal profession as they are almost universally compromised and are either jews or freemasons or jewdeo-christians. 'They' are the cabal along with all other bureacrats and orgnizations private or public that all work together in their 'communitarian' spy society system (the 'Hidden Hand' shadow government). c) social sabotage: 'Some tactics used to keep you Blacklisted include interfering with communications, & slander. Also there are lists and software packages used to check these lists for suspected terrorists, threats to national security, etc. Apparently this is a flourishing business & some organizations are required by law to use it." (Rich, State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns: The Hidden Evil",pg. 24). "Since they have federal connections, they do have the ability to frame a targeted person for crimes out in public as well using informants.(101, 7) Any weakness a person has can be used in one of these setups. A person may not be aware of some of these set-ups, but they may be added to a case file to assist with the smear campaign. They may try to provoke a confrontation when Mobbing you out in public.("Terrorist Stalking in America", David Lawson). Group members also try to entice the target to assault them, but this is never done without having witnesses present. The criminal conviction of the target, following the testimony of numerous concerned citizens can be followed by a civil lawsuit. (ibid. pg.23) "Pedophilia is one common lie used to bring neighbors, co-workers, community members, and in some cases even family members into the 24/7 harassment." (ibid., 62) In the gangstalking protocol the attempt to frame the T.I is employed through the perps following the T.I around (presumably through GPS if the T.I is implanted with a chip or through maintaining a continuous visual by pedestrian and driver perps as well as residencts being given notification via text message or alerts on their cellphones that the T.I is approaching and that they should begin a noise campaign to harass the T.I when he is in range). They often deliberately involve children and women with baby strollers and babies to have them intercept the T.I while the latter is walking along a route at a certain pace (see 'intercepts' below). He can then be photographed adjacent to the women and children and these photos shown around community members by police or other 'authorities' to convince the gullibile goyim ('cattle' in yiddish) to go along with the campaign and attempt to escalate the harassment of the T.I. Once adequate evidence is gleaned of the T.I in the context of womena nd children he may evenutally have trumped up charges brought against himself to involve him in legal trouble (charged with 'pedophilia' or put on a watchlist). Should he be jailed he may be executed by prisoners there or even by vigiliantees in
his community. This will also prevent him from gaining employment owing to the notoriety of his constructed identity (constructed by the cabal). Once the T.I's reputation is irreparably damaged through smear campaigns and rumour mongering he can then be further subject to punishment by the cabal and its agents and if he complains no one will ascribe value or truth to his claims. electronics: "[...]additionally, T.Is "[...]may receive unsolicited email that parallels a current event in your life[...]you may receive covert insults & threats."(ibid. pg.29) "Your email may be blocked or filtered & your web activity may be monitored[...]If you try to [...]participate in online discussions groups, online dating [...]it is very possible you will be interrupted, trashed, or harassed. This can be done by a combination of paid civilian contractors (operatives/provocateurs) & email filtering." (ibid., pg. 30) Should one encounter any others through daily life those he encounters may very well be gangstalkers/perps themselves who are seeking to either gather information on the person or who are seeking to set him up somehow (assassination via poisoning or other means; rape; planting evidence on the person for a subsequent police investigation or raid instigated by other perps, a.k.a 'swatting', calling the police with false accusations). This may be the case even after prolonged contact with the person who befriends the T.I as they may be a deep cover agent. Also the 'friend' may be simply playing the role to subject the T.I to gaslighting and other forms of implicit abuse to wear away their sense of self-worth or to encourage them in vice such as faggotry or other deviant sex practices or drugs,etc. Anything that can be made to set the person up, sully their reputation and escalate their demise in the most cruel and traumatic way (the purpose of the Hidden Hand). d) physical sabotage: The use of D.E.Ws (directed enery weapons discussed below) creates both acute and chronic pain s well as the destructive of the physical body. The perps may poison the T.Is food not only in their residence but that which exists in the store prior to their purchasing it (this utilizes advanced technology of synthetic telepathy V2K discussed below). Poison gas may be pumped into their residence via whatever intake vent or the perps may simply drill a hole into the wall of the residence and pump it in while the T.I sleeps (eg. nitric oxide or other forms of gas). Harming; torturing and/or killing the animals under the care of the T.I or those the T.I is suspected of caring about. Doctors, nurses and other 'professionals' will abuse their powers to visit harm on the T.I (vaccinations; needless surgeries that will be botched deliberately in some way; pharamceuticals
will br prescribed if possible coercively through threat of physical force to ensure compiance; other harmful procedures will be prescribed and effective natural healing modalities will be omitted to be mentioned or will be discouraged) Noise campaigns: "Noise must be of a type which the general public deems “normal.” Remember that the goal is to have the target aware they are being punished, but not be able to convince anyone else that that is the case. Observe local noise curfews, but plenty of punishment can occur outside noise curfew times. The target must not have easy cause to involve law enforcement." ("Bright Light on Black Shadows",Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde, ch.18) "[...]egs. Loud music from neighboring home; frequent squealing of tires near target’s home; frequent drilling into a scrap of wood or masonry held against the target’s wall, floors or ceiling as if “working.” Alternatively, hammering; Frequent use of sirens near the target’s home[...]" (ibid.) "Basically, there will be a steady stream of noise consisting of a rotation of various types of disturbances around your house. This noise may even follow you wherever you go. This includes car doors slamming, people coming/going, people yelling, car alarms, horns, tires screeching, banging, engines revving, cars beeping, constant construction, lawn mowers, snow blowers, etc. Your neighbors will probably be bribed with free home repairs that will result in a very noisy construction process[..]Chronic exposure to even low-level noise is considered a hazard that has been known to produce adverse physiological and psychological health effects. Prolonged expose to noise can produce high blood pressure, a rise in cholesterol, damage to the circulatory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, & musculoskelatal systems."(Rich, State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns: The Hidden Evil",pg. 28-29). Synchronization: "You re movements will be synchronized with noise, vehicles coming or going, people coming or going, or other movements. These synchronization tactics are often times done several times, perhaps three or more." Collisions & Cut-offs: "They can happen with vehicles, on foot, or a combination. This type of space invasion is designed to startle you & create tension. It can be thought of as a virtual slap. They are used in blind areas such as corners, hallways, restrooms, or intersections where you constantly have people or cars cutting you off, or almost hitting you. The perpetrator is unseen until he jumps out in front of you[...]With some artificially induced cut-offs, the perpetrator is seen at a distance. You & the perpetrator(s) are heading toward the same focal point. It may be a corner, a very small walkway, or a path that cannot accommodate both of you. They will adjust their timing & rhythm to yours so that they always meet you at that point, so that you will have to squeeze through, stop, or go around because of their deliberate adjustment of timing. The idea is to get your attention and make you uncomfortable." (ibid., pg.26)
Convoys of vehicles: "If you're targeted, you may have foot & vehicular traffic "re-routed" through your street. Common practice is for vehicles to drive by screeching their tires, blowing their horns, playing loud music,revving their engines, & yelling as they drive by your house." (ibid.,pg.28) Brighting: "You may also be followed by convoys of vehicles that have their Hi-beams on during the day.Spot lights being shined into a target s windows is another tactic." (ibid.) e) Psycho-Spiritual sabotage: Sensitivity Programs: "Cause Stalking groups usually begin their campaigns with sensitivity programs.(7) The goals of a sensitivity program are: To get the person's attention and let them know they're being harassed. Anchor damaging emotions to common objects/sounds so a target can then be covertly harassed openly in public These sensitivity programs are based on a science called NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP)." ( "A stimulus which is linked to & triggers a physiological state is called an anchor in NLP. How are anchors created? First by repetition.Secondly, & much more important, anchors can be set in a single instance if the emotion is strong & the timing is right. In extreme cases an external stimulus can trigger a very powerful negative state. This is the realm of phobias." ("Introducing NLP", Joseph O Connor & John Seymour) "You can think of NLP as a very powerful tool that can be used to produce rapid, profound change.Harassment groups create negative emotional states such as fear & anxiety, & anchor them to common objects in the environment."(Rich, State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns: The Hidden Evil",pg.31). "Groups will take an object you ve been sensitized to & link it to another object. The idea appears to be to keep expanding the amount of objects you associate fear, anxiety, anger, or shame with (sensitization)." (ibid., pg.32) "Anyone else observing this might think it s a little strange that someone would turn their alarm on/off a few times but they d write it off as an isolated strange incident. Since they have not had your previous experience (sensitization) with that sound & are not aware that it is a small part of a much larger harassment program it would be difficult to explain what those beeps meant. In NLP, the process of copying an emotional state anchored to an existing trigger & transferring it to a new trigger, is called chaining." (ibid., pg.32) "Anchors can be chained so that one leads to another. Each anchor provides a link on the chain & triggers the next one, just as the electrical impulse flows from nerve to nerve in our body." ("Introducing NLP', Joseph O Connor & John Seymour)
Street theatre/Harassment Skits: "Harassment skits can be classified as a type of Street Theatre that contain verbal & non-verbal harassment, threats, insults, intimidation, & violence, conveyed overtly, or overtly using themes, symbolism, or other medium. They may be carried out after a target has been sensitized. This harassment can be relayed with metaphors, verbal remarks, and symbolism using clothing or other items. Insults or comments by strangers, designed to evoke a paranoid reaction, as well as dirty looks & negative behavior from previously friendly neighbors is common among targets." (ibid., pgs.32-33) "Some words [used by perps in 'street theatre'/harassment skits]carry with them a particular weight to potentially trigger an effect on a person's emotional state." (ibid., pg.33) "This is called metacommunication. Metamessages are suggestions hidden in a statement, perhaps a compliment. The tone, volume, & rhythm of specific words in the sentence are changed so that the actual message is different than what the spoken words were." (ibid.) Symbolism: "Symbolism appears to be a big part of subliminal attacks. After a target has been sensitized, they can even be harassed, insulted, & threatened with symbolism using articles of clothing, newspapers, & other items. Just as body communication (Social Kinesics) is used to harass a target, so too is symbolic communication. Symbolism can be used with articles of clothing, especially during a wave attack where you are blitzed by a crowd [of pedestrians or vehicles]." (ibid.,pg.35) The symbolism used entails colour; shape and number. Certain perp cab drivers for example will have the number '33' on their cab making it visible to you and be driving a red vehicle. Orange is also used frequently, symbolizing 'light' in the darkness or the lifeforce (life) but can also be used to symbolize possession by entitites (mocking the T.I as a 'blemmye' or possessed being). Symbolism is also associated with what is known or believed by the cabal to be related to the target. An example is the target having been in certain locations and the cabal employing drivers with vehicles whose license plates are from those regions. Another example is where gangstalkers wear clothing that bears certain words; phrases; logos or other symbol that is believed to have meaning for the T.I and to allow them to know the cabal knows about them and they are being watched or to convey a related message to the target.
Below: 3) Electronic Harassment (directed energy weapons, D.E.Ws)
3) Electronic Harassment (directed energy weapons, D.E.Ws)
i) proof it exists and how it functions: What are Microwave/Directed Energy Weapons; how do they work and how are they used: "Precisely modulated microwave radiation is used to influence brain function. Human behaviour and reactions can be entirely controlled by using pulse modulated microwave EM[F]* radiation. Pulse modulated microwaves are useful as the carrier for the mind control signals as they are able to pass through the skull, which is rather resistant to low level EM[F]." ("Microwave Mind Control", Tim Rifat) *electromagnetic fields "It was found that when microwaves were used to fire these signals at victims' brains, they experienced the moods, behaviour, and the pathological states, carried by the signals. This meant that by mimicking natural brain frequencies, the human brain could be controlled remotely by use of extremely low frequency broadcast carried by pulse modulated microwave beams (ELF pulse modulated microwave remote mind control technology)." (ibid.) "It is now possible to broadcast mind control commands directly into the brain by use of microwave beams. All that is needed is a catalogue of every specific brain frequency for each: mood, action and thought." (ibid.)
"Particular excitation potential, is then broadcast by pulse modulated microwave transmitter. This pulse modulated microwave beam has the ELF excitation potential frequency imprinted upon it. It was found that each behavioural set in humans had a distinctive frequency. There was one for: anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust...etc." (ibid.)
Cabal Operatives "have sophisticated millimetre wave scanners to look through the victims' walls, so they can see the targets' in their homes. Pulse modulated microwaves are regularly directed at the victims' brains, while other people in their homes are oblivious of what is going on." (ibid.) "Some of these Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) are Through-The-Wall (TTW) in nature. These devices or a similar ones are currently being used on citizens in North America & other NATO nations. It is likely that the perpetrators are using radar/Millimeter wave technology similar to the ones used in airports to pinpoint a person s location in a building and assist with aiming other DEWs at people." (Rich, State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns: The Hidden Evil",pg. 38)
There are 5 types of technology being used in the targeting: (1) Smart Meters (2) Microwave Satellites (3) Cell Towers (4) Drones (5) Portable units (1) Smart Meters The smart meters are readily controlled from a remote location, which allows the government criminals to harass an individual with plausible deniability. This is one of the first steps taken against a new Targeted Individual. The microwave signal is transmitted thru all of the household wiring. If you are exposed to microwaves coming from all directions, the first possible solution - is to switch off certain circuit breakers at the breaker box. (2) Satellites The first microwave attack satellites were launched under President Reagan's Star Wars program (SDI) in 1987. These satellites were designed to disable ICBM nuclear missiles during the ascent phase. Tracking frequencies used are 3600 - 3750 MHz, and the attack signal is 3920 - 3935 MHz. FCC frequency allocation tables, confirm the use of these frequencies. These satellites and frequencies are now being used against Targeted Individuals. The tracking signal has an accuracy better than 1 centimeter, and the GPS coordinates can be relayed to a cell tower or drone for additional targeting. These tracking signals come from a satellite that is directly overhead. Generally, it takes about 30 - 50 feet of concrete and steel (or packed earth) to shield against the satellite microwave beam. Tall skyscrapers can provide a temporary shelter from the satellite targeting. The technology does have its limits, which is good news for TI's. A faraday cage that is properly designed and properly grounded can block some of the microwaves. However, improvements can be made by using A/C voltage grounding on the faraday cage, which will "consume" the narrow beam and take it to an external grounding rod. Please DO NOT attempt such modifications unless you know what you are doing. The satellite tracking and Vircator microwave weapon uses a narrow beam at low voltage (about 10 millivolts) and high amps. 3) Cell Towers Magnetron microwave signal generators have been installed on many cell towers in urban areas. These devices can be identified as the vented enclosure boxes on a cell tower. The magnetrons become very hot while operating and can be seen on an infrared camera photograph (you can rent an infrared camera at Home Depot). Typical frequencies are 2400 MHz and 2550 MHz. The USAF criminals have started synchronizing the cell towers to automatically follow a specific point on your body - so that as you drive down the freeway, it will automatically transfer to the next cell tower and continue to hit the same location on your body. Use the hand technique to identify which cell tower. We encourage all TI's to pay attention to the construction and repairs at cell towers - get the vehicle number/license plate and company name of anyone that is working on a cell tower. Please send this information to us. If you are convinced that your neighbors are directing microwaves at you,
please consider that it is probably coming from a cell tower that is 1 or 2 miles away. The microwave beam can travel straight through many houses. It is possible to use your fingers to "feel" the direction of the microwave beam. Hold your arm out with your palm facing you, in the direction of the beam, and you can feel the "pop" in your finger joints when the beam hits them. This will usually direct you to the cell tower, where it is coming from. (5) Portable units These small microwave generators are used to harass Targeted Individuals that find temporary cover inside tall buildings or underground shelters. They come in small box enclosures, about the size of a small microwave oven.
ii) What particularly is intended through the use of microwave/D.E.W weapons: "When firing microwave beams through walls at one specific target, every material in the way of the microwave beam attenuates or modifies the intensity and frequency of the beam. Since precise frequencies and intensities are needed for mind control, very sophisticated microwave arrays and computer programmes had to be developed so that the microwave beam could be changed in response to the materials which lay between the target and the weapon, as the victim moved around the house. To do this, the reflectivity and refractivity of the materials between victim and weapon had to be analysed in real-time and fed to a computer which could change the microwave array in concert with the changing environment between victim and weapon, as the target moved around his/her home. Secondly, there had to be an automatic interrupter if another person walked in front of the beam. The victim needed to be driven mad or disabled, without anyone else being aware that he or she was being targeted. The technology for this was very complex but eventually it was perfected." ("Microwave Mind Control", Tim Rifat) "[B]y beaming the excitation potential of a particular pathological mental state at your brain while you are at home[...certain brain states/emotions can be induced." (ibid.) Microwave DEWs will produce dizziness, burning, headaches, eye problems, damaged nervous system & internal organs, heart attack, & an inability to concentrate. A common microwave oven can be turned into a DEW by modifying the appliance to operate with the door removed. It can then be positioned against a wall to attack someone on the other side. You can also build a weapon for a few hundred dollars that will employ a more focused attack.", (Rich, StateSponsored Terror Campaigns: The Hidden Evil",pg. 38)
"the intelligence operatives can place sounds and speech in the target victim's brain. This inter cerebral hearing is used to drive the victim mad, as no one else can hear the voices transmitted into the brain of the target." ("Microwave Mind Control", Tim Rifat) "Transmission of auditory data directly into the targets' brains using microwave carrier beams is now common practise. Instead of using excitation potentials, one uses a transducer to modify the spoken word into ELF audiograms, that are then superimposed on the pulse modulated microwave beam[...which causes] the Targeted individual tohear the voices transmitted into the brain." (ibid.) used as a clandestine assassination tool: " If the [targeted individual] needs to be made temporarily ill, microwave beams containing the signal the brain gives off during a vicious bout of flu can be fired at the victim. This causes the target to display all the symptoms of flu, even though they have not caught the virus."(ibid.) An example of this is how the 5G network is coordinated with the manufactured corona virus or similar 'pandemics' to dialectically engineer the Cabals' plans through 'creative destruction'."(ibid.) "can also use low level microwaves to cause mental and physical confusion that leads to illness. Beaming microwaves at victims makes them fatigued, damages their immune system, causes neurological damage that effects their thinking, and ability to carry out tasks, induces premature ageing, cancer and cataracts." (ibid.)
"Heating the victim to death, by microwave cooking is caused by increasing the field intensity of the radiation, to cause local hot spots in the victims' eyes and gall bladder, which have poor circulation, so cannot carry away the heat. Irradiating the optic nerve of the victim with the same signal that is sent to the brain by this nerve, causes the nerve tissue to overload. In this way, subversives can be blinded by the intelligence community without them knowing what has occurred." (ibid.)
"Neurological research has found that the brain has specific frequencies for each voluntary movement called preparatory sets. When you pick up an object, there is a specific preparatory set for this action. By firing at your chest a microwave beam containing the ELF signals given off by the heart, this organ can be put into a chaotic state, the so called heart attack." (ibid.) "Paralysis can be induced in the target by use of this method of broadcasting preparatory sets encoded on microwave beams. A pulse modulated microwave beam, carrying an ELF signal, which is identical to the one in the motor neurone centre of the brain, is used to jam the victim's motor co-ordination." (ibid.)
synthetic telepathy (remote thought reading/implantation of thoughts): "The latest advance in electronic mind control were discussed in my previous articles in Nexus, but for those who missed the ESP of Espionage, this equipment uses special types of microwave beams called MASERs. These are the laser equivalent of microwave beams. These MASER beams have been used to develop something called synthetic telepathy. This is the ability to read peoples' minds from a distance. Electronic scanning of victims' brains by monitoring the electromagnetic (EM) emissions from peoples' brains and using amongst other things, the brain waves (as measured on an EEG), to read the victim's subvocalised thoughts." (ibid.) "Synthetic telepathy detects the l5Hz, 5 milliwatt auditory cortex brain emissions, that are linked with the excitation potentials in the brain associated with subvocalised thought. New technology, involving low frequency microwaves and RF, has enabled devices to be built which can scan through walls and look inside peoples' bodies like X-rays. This enables security personnel to see a target in his own home and to track him throughout the house. Further to this, being able to see inside the victim's head, would allow computer controlled targeting of specific brain centres in the victim's brain, even when he was walking around the house." (ibid.) "A scan of the specific brain emissions given off when the victim subvocalises using an array of pulsed frequency MASERs fired at the specific brain centres of the subversive, while he resides in his own home, enables the victim to be scanned. By firing an array of ELF pulse modulated MASERs, which scan up and down the window of frequency emissions given off by subvocalised thought, interference effects can be measured in the MASER beam. The victim's ELF brain emissions will interact constructively or destructively with the pulsed frequency MASER carrying ELF in the ELF window associated with subvocalised thoughts. If we fire an array of pulsed MASERs, which are out of phase with each other, extraneous noise can be filtered out in the digital domain. Since the converging ELF modulated MASERs are being effected by the low level
emissions in the victim's brain, the shifts in the ELF pulsed signal going into the subversive's brain can be detected. A simplistic version of this would be the LASER beam shone at the window of the person that is being bugged. The vibrations in the window cause modulations in the LASER that can be converted into electrical signals and hence into sound. In this way the subvocalised thoughts in the victim's brain can be read. Having already built up a library of excitation potential signatures for differing words and groupings of words, a sophisticated computer can begin to decode the emission signatures into word streams. In this way the subvocalised thoughts of the victim can be stored in the memory of a supercomputer and analysed to give a read out of what the target is thinking.[...]Using ELF audiograms carried by a single pulse-modulated Maser, subvocalised thoughts can be placed in the victim's brain. This enables [Cabal] synthetic telepathy operators the ability to enter into conversations with the subversive to drive him mad or to bring up key words which will get the victim thinking about the information they wish to find. Visual cortex excitation potentials can also be broadcast into the victim's brain so that illusory images can be projected into their brain to drive them mad, or to programme them to commit suicide." (ibid.)
"Secondly, the police have been granted the exclusive use of the 450 MHz microwave frequency range.[...]Dr.Ross Adey found that by using 0.75mW/cm2 intensity of pulse modulated microwave at a frequency of 450 MHz, it was discovered that an ELF modulation could be used to control all aspects of human behaviour" (ibid.)
Examples of Directed Energy Weapons( Through-Wall Electronic Weapons): A simple microwave oven, door removed, with the door interlock switch bypassed, and held against the bedroom wall of a target in an apartment building or semi-detached house. This device can cause a variety of disabling medical symptoms. Some of the symptoms of microwave exposure are: Asthma, cataracts, headaches, memory loss, early Alzheimer's, bad dreams, depression, fatigue, concentration loss, appetite loss, heart and blood pressure problems, and cancer. ("Coping With the Crime of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment", Eleanor White, pg.51) LIDA The Russian LIDA machine (patent 3773049) is an old brain entrainment device used for the drugless sedation of mental patients. This device can be used as a weapon to drain a person of energy. The pulse rate can be adjusted so that it causes fatigue or excitability (sleeplessness). Although the LIDA signal does not travel a great distance, it can be used TTW in an apartment building. This device is about the size of a breadbox & works silently. (Rich, State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns: The Hidden Evil",pg. 38) "[...]pulsed 40 watt, 40 MHz radio transmitter which can be used to make a target exhausted on the job when pulsing at the rate consistent with sleep, and with a pulse rate increase, DEPRIVE a target of sleep too. This device is a radio transmitter version of other types of trance induction devices[...]" ("Coping With the Crime of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment", Eleanor White, pg.54) Voice-To-Skull (V2K) V2K, also called Microwave Hearing. If you have a tightly focused antenna, this can be transmitted through walls & over a distance. Voice or other sound can be transmitted over a distance, through walls, directly into the skull of a person. This was possible more than 30 years ago. (ibid.) For some years in the 1990s and early 2000s, the United States Army recognized "voice to skull" technology, which they abbreviated as "V2K," in their on line thesaurus. For reasons unknown, the Army removed that thesaurus entry circa 2007. ("Coping With the Crime of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment", Eleanor White, pg.52) Silent Sound Spread Spectrum "Silent Sound (patent 5159703),also called Clear Channel, is an improvement over the timeslicing subliminal suggestions. It does not need to compete with other sound to influence a subject because it occupies a separate channel just beyond the human hearing range. Hence the name: Clear Channel. This channel is beyond human hearing but not human perception. It is not normally in use but it is a direct conduit to the subconscious. Silent Sound can be used by installing a hidden speaker near person s area of work or in their home. These suggestions can be played constantly & the person would not be consciously aware of them. Silent Sound can be transmitted through ordinary radio or television carrier frequencies. However, only a speaker is
necessary. But Silent Sound cannot only convey suggestions, it can transmit cloned emotions. This is brain entrainment." (Rich, State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns: The Hidden Evil",pg. 38) "Although enhancements have been developed, at its simplest, a Silent Sound voice encoder takes a spoken message, and uses a circuit similar to a telephone voice changer to raise the frequency of the voice up near (but not exceeding) the upper limit of human hearing. The listener hears a fluctuating high-pitched tone, and any words cannot be discerned, consciously. However, the brain can subconsciously decode the words. The brain takes advantage of the fact near the upper limit of hearing, the sensitivity to frequencies drops off. The sensitivity curve is sloped downwards in the Silent Sound frequency range, roughly 14,000 to 16,000 Hertz (cycles per second.)." ("Coping With the Crime of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment", Eleanor White, pg.53) "Silent Sound" is not a through-wall device by itself. However, when Silent Sound is transmitted to a target by way of a voice to skull through-wall transmitter, if the target is susceptible to hypnosis (many people are), the target's thought processes and personality could be severely disrupted over time, and the target would have no idea why this was happening, as the sound is essentially silent. The target may hear a high pitched tone or hiss, but no words. The target would be much less able to resist hypnotic suggestions than with audible speech." (ibid.) Through-Wall Radar "Through clothing (and through non-conductive wall) RADAR, widely used at airports and by police to look through clothing for hidden weapons. The harassment potential of this technology in the hands of organized stalking gangs is obvious." ("Coping With the Crime of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment", Eleanor White, pg.55) "The same security scanning radar used at airports, and now coming into use by police, can also view a target through a non-conductive wall[...]Many targets report being "followed" in their apartments by rapping noises from an adjacent apartment, particularly the one below. As the target walks about, rapping noise which sounds as if the occupant of the adjacent apartment is doing "work" on something, will move as the target moves." (ibid.) also the perps utilize Microwave telemetry to locate T.Is IMPLANTS Implanted human beings can be followed anywhere. Their brain functions can be remotely monitored by supercomputers and even altered through the changing of frequencies. When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillimeters) is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuroimpulses can be projected back to the person’s brain via the microchip to be reexperienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target's performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads.
Every thought, reaction, hearing, and visual observation causes a certain neurological potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its electromagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts, pictures, and voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore change a person's brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps experienced as torture. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in the brain, just as we have unique fingerprints. With electromagnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic warfare. Using different frequencies, the secret controller of this equipment can even change a person's emotional life. S/he can be made aggressive or lethargic. Sexuality can be artificially influenced. Thought signals and subconscious thinking can be read, dreams affected and even induced, all without the knowledge or consent of the implanted person. Diminished blood circulation and lack of oxygen in the right temporal frontal lobes result where brain implants are usually operative. A Finnish experimentee experienced brain atrophy and intermittent attacks of unconsciousness due to lack of oxygen. Mind control techniques can be used for political purposes. Zombified individuals can even be programmed to murder and remember nothing of their crime afterward. Since 1980, electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB) has been secretly used to control people targeted without their knowledge or consent. One reason this technology has remained a state secret is the widespread prestige of the psychiatric Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV produced by the U.S. American Psychiatric Association (APA) and printed in 18 languages. Psychiatrists working for U.S. intelligence agencies no doubt participated in writing and revising this manual. This psychiatric "bible" covers up the secret development of MC technologies by labeling some of their effects as symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. Victims of mind control experimentation are thus routinely diagnosed, knee-jerk fashion, as mentally ill by doctors who learned the DSM “symptom” list in medical school. Physicians have not been schooled that patients may be telling the truth when they report being targeted against their will or being used as guinea pigs for electronic, chemical and bacteriological forms of psychological warfare. Jew “Scott Silverman” Chairman and CEO of “Applied Digital Solutions,” the company that has developed micro chipping for humans. The NSA contracted with Israeli companies such as Verizon of which one of the founders Jacob “Kobi” Alexander, [a former Israeli intelligence officer], owns Verint. In 2007, a previous head of Israel’s intelligence wing “Unit 8200" told Forbes Magazine that the technology of Comverse, the company that owns Verint, is based on Israel’s “Unit 8200″ intelligence expertise." It involves using a hypodermic needle to inject an RFID (radiofrequency identification) microchip, the size of a grain of rice, usually into the person's hand or wrist. The same kind of chip is used for tracking lost pets.
implants: MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) cannot detect Titanium implants, because the titanium is non-magnetic. A Portable Ultrasound machine is one method that can detect the implants. Microwave Burns The microwaves destroy the melanin in the skin, turning it white.
Remote Neural Monitoring\Manipulation (RNM) DIRECTED ENERGY ATTACKS The human body is an Electromagnetic Organism. It is a Vibratory Organism. As such each organ and region of the body “”””VIBRATES””” at a different frequency of electromagnetic energy. By varying the frequency and intensity of each stream of energy, CIA & DoD operatives can manipulate and damage each region and organ of the human anatomy. HYPER GAME THEORY ATTACKS As soon as you say the won’t then they will. As soon as you say they will then they won’t. Everything the CIA\ DOD operatives are doing is based off IF & THEN scenarios which are founded on the Hyper Game Theory principle. If the victim does this then they will do that If the victim does that then they will do this.
In order for TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL to be effective the mind control victim is kept in a constant state of severe pain, stress, hypertension, agitation, anxiety, ect., utilizing a continuous stream of directed energy targeting the victim. TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL, is based on the constant provocation of the victim into set responses constantly all day and night long. So they are constantly provoking the target both physically, emotionally, etc., into set responses which their ‘Remote Neural Monitoring \ Manipulation’ system can remotely measure via a continuous stream of directed energy constantly interacting with the nanotechnology in the victims body. Hence the mind control victim is more easily provoked in this constant state of physical and psychological TRAUMA! This allows them to manipulate the victims brain and, by default, the victims Central Nervous System which controls the bodily functions including heart rate and blood pressure. That is what these directed energy attacks are about: killing me in a way that makes my premature death appear as a normal natural cause while simultaneoulsy discrediting me in the process. Remember they are trying to alter your ‘Daily Motives’ and ‘Emotional Perceptions’. The remote neural monitoring system is designed to provoke you emotionally, intellectually, physically, etc., so they can generate RESPONSE STATISTICS which the system will use to determine how to interpret and link descriptions with data captured about your memory references, etc. That is why they are constantly trying to keep you talking, or constantly stopping you and asking for directions, etc. So always ignore prolonged random encounters with people you don’t know. You’re not being rude. Just refusing to allow them to manipulate you. Once they have consistent statistics the system will use previous ‘choice references’ and inject them into your subconscious thought during normal activity which is also accompanied by simultaneous ‘IMPULSE INJECTIONS’ to convince you that the response was your own and influence you to complete or describe the reference by making the appropriate verbalizing or performing a related action, which is known as ‘Verification’. You can fight and/or control this if you learn to defeat these memory attacks by learning to read Active Memory. Once they see what you respond to emotionally, or intellectually, they will fabricate ‘conversational’ or ‘situational’ scenarios’ (Street Theater) based on events or topics they know will capture your attention. This is why the perps try to keep you talking for so long. Not just to aggravate you but to provoke you into an ’emotional response’, intellectual respones, etc., so they can map your thought process in order to subsequently inject impulses etc., and control your mind. This is why the feds try to get people close to you (eg by approaching you and/or befriending with a hot girl) with so called ‘Honey Traps’. Here is how you stop that from happening: ignore all prolonged random encounters with strangers you don’t know and be spontaneous. This same remote neural attack can be used to disrupt your speech if the attackers decide to prevent you from discussing a specific topic or repeating a given word. The system can be configured to disrupt your recollection when formulating a related statement or inject gibberish [triggered substitution] while you are attempting to speak.
Again, the goals of these attacks appear to be threefold: 1. CENSORSHIP 2. MEMORY MANAGEMENT 3. DIRECT BEHAVIORAL CONTROL These remote neural attacks are most effective when you are stepping through sequenced tasks so try to avoid ‘zoning’ on your activities. How? By changing your actions and activities randomly and constantly at the speed of thought. Don’t always plan out or think out your daily itinerary, if you don’t have to. ‘Just do it’ ! Be ‘SPONTANEOUS’! Remote Neural Manipulation is accomplished via their system’s ability to interpret your thoughts and is wholly dependent on its ability to predict and influence your ‘reference choices’ or ‘impulse sequencing’ during thought composition. The system maps patterns with impulses and identifiers (evoked potentials) and uses statistical data about your ‘composition habits’ to predict how you will think or act as you begin to formulate thoughts or prepare to act. The system’s ability to define and map these references intelligibly depends on your cooperation [or ignorance] and the attackers’ ability to make sense of what they see visually or what they can guess based on your past activity They will constantly run you through a ‘verification’ routine where the system probes you for a particular set of responses repeatedly in order to establish a pattern. If you are interacting and countering these probes the operator will vary the routine in an attempt to ‘verify’ via different methods. Once the system ‘verifies’ the selected responses they will be used in the next wave of harassment routines. The process is endless and you will see the effects clearly if you are consistently defeating the system. If you are not defeating the remote neural manipulation system then you will not see or notice the effects. How to combat: through maintaining situational awareness and learning to read active memory, ie. 'mindfulness' How to detect RNM/V2K: For example when you experience ‘sudden severe aggression and agitation’ its the perps using impulse injections and memory management tactics, artificially injected, not you, and is part and parcel ‘Mind Control’. So, then, look for patterns of compulsive behavior or thoughts and contrast that current state of mind (powerful emotions & impulses) with your normal state to identify the attacks. Look for patterns. Everything they do is based on patterns. Remember they want to keep you constantly thinking about them. They must isolate the mind control victim in order to minimalize all external interference in order to force the trauma based mind control victim to ‘internalize’, or internally focus, on the Neuroprogramming. This is a weapon system based on cognitive warfare and psychological warfare. The objective is to turn the Trauma Based Mind Control victim into a weapon who will inflict destruction on others or who will self destruct.
You can limit and counter this effect by learning to read active memory while blocking their system however it takes quite a bit of skill and self awareness utilizing a cognitive defence method through redirecting their remote neural attacks. This is also known as ‘REDIRECTION’. Redirection’ is simple. When the remote neural attack happens and impulses and thoughts are introduced into your mind (by strong urge [high frequency attack] or slight motivation [low frequency attack]) just change your thread of thought. This hinders ‘integration completion’ between your brain and the RNM system. You do this by establishing what is known as a ‘Working Reference’. You can thwart their RNM attack by establishing a ‘working reference’ each time they attempt to inject impulses and thoughts to your brain. This is done by recognizing something in life that makes you very happy and then re focusing or ‘redirecting’ back to that happy experience in life each time you are attacked through Remote Neural Manipulation. Understanding the memory attacks (blocking your real memories and injecting false memories and impulses) are key because if you do not recognize modification of your ‘active memory’ the system will cause you to briefly lose time perception which may be enough procedural [functional] disorientation to influence you to respond to an injected impulse. Forced speech for example. As you learn to defeat the predictive capabilities of the system (quenching, redirection, multitasking and spontaneity) their attempts to restrict your ‘reference choices’ will become increasingly evident and you will begin to perceive what I will describe as ‘functional duality’ [it might also be described as focal duality] within your working memory. The perps system’s prediction error rate will dramatically increase and its attempts to predict your thoughts or intentions will become humorous if not simply annoying. combat complacency Although by cooperating and allowing the system to interpret and define your daily activity you may find that the suggestions become more tolerable as the system is designed to mimic your normal cognitive behavior, I would recommend not allowing this as you will tend to more readily accept the system’s influence, and the purpose of the system influencing you in this manner is to give the attackers the ability to restrict you at will and to allow them to deceive or manipulate you subconsciously. Everyone who is hearing “V2K” is being monitored in this manner and being influenced in this way as well. The phrases you are hearing should be related to information captured during the ‘silent monitoring period’ and will eventually be used as the foundation for your endless verbal harassment. What they do is a game of DECEPTION and MANIPULATION, nothing more. Do not accept anything they say as truth and do not acknowledge anything the system interrogates you about as truth. The system will take random bits of anything it captures through your senses and fabricate stories which they will use to harass and interrogate you with no intention other than to distract and torture you into submission [to the system’s influence].
decoding electromagnetic emissions of the brain into actual thought patterns. Once those patterns are identified they are used and varied in the repeated harassment and torture of the targeted individual. The mental images of the brain can actually be seen and through this window into the soul. Images, sounds and other sequences (aromas) can be encoded into the human brain. They do this with me a lot also engaging in situational and conversational scenarios designed to confirm their technology is working properly by capturing the attention of the targeted individual, seeking verification. These electromagnetic impulses are sent into the brain via impulse injections, to trigger evoked potentials, for the purposes of verification. Again, this generates sounds, images, aromas, etc., via the neuronal circuits. Essentially, they have turned the brain of the mind control victim into their very own visual, verbal and auditive communications system. A computer multiplexer routes the signal, or stream of electromagnetic energy, through towers, satellites and mobile platforms (trucks, vans, ships, etc.,) then on to a digital receiver The receiver is located with pinpoint accuracy and tracked to a few feet of its actual location. However the receiver is not a cell phone. It is a human mind. Right now they are able to clone the human mind and soul (will, intellect and emotion) by downloading ones entire persona and psyche into a computer database. This technology is also being used by British Intelligence agencies and is known inside MI6 circles as Project Soul-Catcher. This is achieved through transcranial stimulation via directed energy and bioelectric R&D the cabal maps your brain and then ties you to a supercomputer which downloads your information (thoughts, memories, emotions, etc.) back into a database at speed of light as injection feedback and monitors all electromagnetic activity of your brain 24/7 for life until the day of your death. This is achieved through Transcranial Brain Stimulation NSA agents use this technology to covertly debilitate people using directed energy weapons, such as micraves, to slowly degrade their minds or other internal organs until they die or become incapacitated. They have done this with me continually for years. The point at which the victim dies or becomes incapacitated by this technology is an important metric in their research and development into how to SILENTLY ASSASSINATE people THROUGH ADAPTIVE NETWORKS (S.A.T.A.N.) such as by heart attack, stroke, etc. This Hyper Game Theory No Touch Torture Terror paradigm is based off never ending IF & THEN scenarios. They engineer chaos or trauma in the victim’s life and then wait for the victim to respond, such as by trying to document the attacks are happening as I am doing now. Then they initiate the Hyper Game Theory formula against the victim by basing their next response off the victims last response; basing their next move off the victims last move. So if you say they will then they won’t and if you say they won’t then they will. overcoming induced exhaustion
By causing a long term or short term, even a split second, sudden dizzy or drowsy state, the remote neural attacks are more effective than when I am alert in ALPHA state because the brain is momentarily placed inro FUNCTIONAL DISORIENTATION which makes it easier to subliminally decieve and manipulate the brain into accepting the speed of light split second remote neural attack consisting of an Impulse Injection & Memory Injection thereby disrupting the victims normal thought and memory process during normal ‘THOUGHT COMPOSITION’ to subsequently achieve DIRECT BEHAVIORAL CONTROL over the victim. IF YOU HAVE ANY SUDDEN BOUTS OF DROWSINESS OR DIZZINESS YOU MUST RE-EVALUATE YOUR TRAIN AND NARRATIVE OF THOUGHT IMMEDIATELY BY REDIRECTING BACK TO ANYTHING THAT MAKES YOU THE MOST HAPPY IN LIFE. THIS HAPPY EVENT OR PERSON, IS CALLED YOUR ‘WORKING REFERENCE’! The CIA/DoD operatives use an electronic brain to brain interface & an electronic brain to computer interface to achieve this, by simply closing their eyes to prevent any external interference they can see everything I see in real time as it is happening. It is more difficult for the brain to computer interface and the brain to brain interface to measure the cognitive effect of audio to text from video to text. They need you to watch rather than listen because of the remote neural monitoring interface is using a screen of the victims own mind downloaded back to their analogue screen . The combined cognitive effect of listening to audio not only depatterns their neuroprogramming but also disrupts the bidirectional speed of light incoming/outgoing INFORMATION and INJECTION FEEDBACK LOOP which Mind Control technology is dependent upon It is not just the audio content and the visual text you are simultaneously reading but the thoughts and memories you associate with that content that defeats their technology because it creates noise, or electromagnetic energy, inside the neural networks of the victims brain jamming their neuro-technology and because the CIA DoD interface cannot determine a coherent pattern of thought because of that noise, and thereby make sense of what they are seeing on the screen of the victims mind, there is no data to intergrate. The thougts and memories you are having is creating additional electromagnetic emmssions or spike – evoked potentials – on their screen which confuses the Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation System. Remote Neural Manipulation, or RNM, is accomplished via their system’s ability to interpret your thoughts and is wholly dependent on its ability to predict and influence your ‘reference choices’ or ‘impulse sequencing’ during thought composition. The system maps patterns with impulses and identifiers (evoked potentials) and uses statistical data about your ‘composition habits’ to predict how you will think or act as you begin to formulate thoughts or prepare to act The system’s ability to define and map these references intelligibly depends on your cooperation [or ignorance] and the attackers’ ability to make sense of what they see visually or what they can guess based on your past activity which they cannot do if they cannot measure and integrate what they see into COHERENT PATTERNS OF THOUGHT The CIA NSA perps are using a ‘fabricated or falsified stream’ of data known as the INFORMATION, to interfere with your memory and thought process. This is how the constant speed of light – energy travels at speed of
light – bidirectional INFORMATION and INJECTION FEEDBACK LOOP works. The RNM system also downloads all your thoughts, memories, emotions, etc., back into the supercomputer at speed of light. Without the INFORMATION and INJECTION FEEDBACK LOOP WORKING PROPERLY Mind Control fails. In other words, ‘Integration Completion’ between the RNM system and your brain is hindered and without your response to their specific ‘impulse injection’ the RNM verification process breaks apart and Mind Control fails. This INFORMATION and INJECTION FEEDBACK LOOP is achieved by a –Computer Multiplexer which ROUTES the signal or INFORMATION to a tower, satellite or mobile platform, such as a van, truck, ship, etc., which then RELAYS the signal, or INFORMATION, via a continuous fabricated and falsified stream of energy waves – containing the specific carrier frequency of the victims brain wave signature – to the digital reciever, similar to how a cell phone call works. The digital reciever is tracked and pinpointed at speed of light in real time. However, the digital reciever is not a cell phone. It is a human mind. The brain of the mind control victim has been digitalized by way of the nanotechnology, etc., in their body. Once you become dependent (ie. you believe their impulse injections are your own) on the system’s output (or they believe your responses to it are consistent) they will begin to fabricate ‘subconscious responses’ which they will pretend are indicators of honesty/dishonesty, positive recognition, anxiety, etc, and they will use these ‘impulse injections’ to convince you that the fabricated responses are your own. If you are unaware of this constant mental manipulation the system will begin to shape your thoughts and behavior. They will use this to [attempt to] restrict your thoughts and behavior by blocking [interfering with] your memory and thought process while these suggestions (injected impulses) are being provided the interference is triggered and can be activated at will by the attackers. Reason for sleep interference: SEVERE PAIN SEVERE PULSATING PAIN TO EARS AND HEAD AND HEART AND CHEST REGION. SEVERE SLEEP DEPRIVATION TORTURE! THE MIND CONTROL ATTACKS WORK BETTER IN THETA STATE LEVELS SO BY DEPRIVING ME OF PROPER SLEEP THEY ARE ABLE TO AMPLIFY THE EFFECT OF THE NEUROPROGRAMMING interfacing their mind with the mind of the Trauma Based Mind Control Victim(s) attempting to diabolical alter the human soul (will, intellect and emotion) of the victim(s). The fabricated and falsified stream of energy they are targeting the victim with contains a carrier frequency specifically tuned to the unique one-of-a-kind brain wave signature of the Trauma Based Mind Control victims and they use that stream to align their (cabal Clones) brain wave frequency to the victims brain wave frequency using a process called ‘Alignment ‘ to mimic the very own EEG frequency of the victim. This is achieved by way of phase, frequency and amplitude modulation of my and other victims brain wave frequencies. By this way they can also create a hive mind allowing them to read monitor and manipulate the thoughts, memories and emotions of the victims through 24hour remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation of the victims mind and soul (will, intellect and emotion). In other words, the urges and motor cortex actions of the cabal mind control clone operative were automatically transfered to the T.I because they have entrained and mappped my brain. This is how they kill the
target causing the mind control victim, for example, to suddenly jerk the wheel while driving, or jerk the gun when trying to pick it up off the table, etc The emotions, thoughts and memories of my handlers can and are transfered to the T.I, the Trauma Based Mind Control Victim, in split second speed of light (energy travels at speed of light ) real time scenarios and are used on me and millions of other victims, most of whom are unaware they are even targeted with this technology, on a daily basis to confuse and disorient the T.I. For their technology to work effectively they need to constantly keep me cut off and isolated from the rest of society,from any and all external interference because that external interference creates chaos in their Neuroprogramming.
2) WHO "Jews are behind the whole thing"-Alan Landis, targeted individual and jew "many people will be recruited to participate. The idea is that you get as many people as possible to participate in the torture. The logic is that the more people you can co-op, the more assistance you'll have for covering it up, & the less likely it will be exposed." (Rich, pg.57) "Civilian Spies also known as “Covert Human Intelligence Sources” are recruited from every level and sector of society." ("Zersetzung - The East German Secret Police Methodology of Psychological Decomposition",pg.3) Who are they exactly? Why do they participate?
The participants are colloquially called 'perps' short for perpetrators as they are complicit in the perpetration of terrorism against others which they often rationalize as 'safety and security', upholding what they have been conditioned by the media to view as a 'noble cause'. Their ulterior motive that they may conceal even from themselves is power, material rewards social prestige and a feeling of belonging (monetary stipends; drugs; reduced jail sentences); (employment or promotional opportunities in their organization or group such as churches or antifa). 3) SOLUTIONS FOR TARGETED INDIVIDUALS gathering evidence/surveilling perps: the equipment outlined below is adopted to clandestinely monitor the perps
on person: cellphone in armband facing forward spy camera glasses pinhole camera in hat hand-held audio recorder (use in event of communications with government employees especially, to have a record of the transaction as a defense against false accusations and/or lies by omission) burglar alarm with pull-cord (to sound alarm if attacked) airhorn (to blast perps) vehicle dash cam (front and rear) on property (infrastructural security): panable bubble dome video cameras (with zoom function); motion sensor wire-mesh covered motion sensor flood lights perimeter fence (barbed wire; stone wall with hedges; wrought iron railing) moat with sharpened logs jutting out and retractable/removable bridge across ('chicken walk') guard dogs (caveat: danger of their being killed; poisoned or tortured by perps) alarm system (ideally not run by compromised security company-most are) multiple Bolt locks on interior doors (middle and above and below midway door jamb)
doors should be solid steel with reinforced doorframe (metal kick plates if wooden door; also plate to prevent intrusion through sawing of deadbolts with hacksaw blade) barriers erected across path to residence (eg. logs; heavy steel barrels or cisterns) wire mesh screwed into windows on the interior live with other trusted person or fellow vetted TI (caveat: fake TIs abound-exercise extreme caution) carbon monoxide detector (to detect gas) bug sweeper geiger counter emf meter shielding fabric (eg. silver fibre) styrofoam panel covered with multiple layers of aluminum foil [quantity?] covering all walls aluminum siding lead paint sheetmetal screwed into walls inside caulking or synthetic resine or pine sap along floor boards (to prevent gases entering residence) mosquito screening/metal mesh mosquito net around bed personal protection from D.E.Ws: magnets (N52 neodymium high gauss small size with rounded sides:creates magnetic field that interferes with the DEWs' specific frequency thereby disrupting it) earthing (1st thing in morning barefoot; tree hugging; moccasins; all generate negative ions and/ or assist in removing positive ions reducing inflammation) Shielding: .Move to a detached structure home or RV. A location that has the least number of angles of potential attack is best. A home with less neighboring structures is a much better option than one in the middle of a subdivision with homes located on all four sides, because you never know who could rent or buy the home next door. The innermost location of a dwelling may provide the most secure area due to more walls being present between yourself and the offender. Homes with basements are prime. The further you are from the nearest structure, the better.
Directed energy sources may include land-based, satellite, aircraft, drone and ionospheric relay (GWEN and HAARP systems). Land-based assaults can come from equipment located in structures, automobiles, and trailers or may be in the form of a small signal emitter device that has been covertly hidden in the vicinity of the target. Though I have never seen a directed energy device, it's speculated that some units may take on the appearance of, or be concealed as, some type of home appliance, utility device, stereo speaker or amplifier. Hidden signal emitters are small electronic devices that are probably no larger than a cell phone "Many" so-called DEW attacks are likely not a directed beam or laser but actually an extremely low frequency radio broadcast that has been modulated into waveforms that mimic pain, sound or an actual physiological process of the body. Faraday Cages: Faraday cages can attenuate electromagnetic energy. Steel sheet metal grounded by electrical wire and 50% Silver fabric can form the main base of the structure. Mu-metal and SiliconSteel can be added at critical areas (head region) to attenuate low frequencies, which are your biggest enemy. Finally, envelop the structure with silver fabric, such as 50% Silver Argenmesh. Lead sheet or PolyTungsten sheet is not required but it is added protection against high frequency ionizing energy (and acoustic energy). Steel Plate: Steel's iron content can effect the magnetic component in electromagnetic transmissions. The steel's carbon can act against the electrical component. Lead (Pb): 1/4 inch thick lead sheeting folded into multiple layers, as needed, can provide effective attenuation of ionizing and acoustic energies. It is malleable and can be folded with some pressure and cut with a box cutter blade. Lead is a poison and should be handled with caution. Rubber: "Natural" rubber bath mats or rubber step stones (pavers) have proven to be effective as acoustic dampers (MUST be natural rubber). Five or more mats (or several pavers) can be rolled or stacked together and ducttaped as a bundle. Sheet Metal: 20 to 30 gauge Steel sheet (with iron content - Not stainless steel) can be effective against lower electromagnetic energies when electrically grounded. I would recommend testing the integrity of your electrical ground with a small volt meter. (20ga = ~1mm thickness & 30ga = ~ 0.3mm thickness.) 3 things as essential for TI’s to wear : 1- Lead vest 2- Lead hat
3- Silver-lined ballcap I believe 0.175mm is the ideal ‘happy medium’- protects but can wear it throughout the day without its weight wearing you down. copper foil; barbecue grill/baking sheets (copper infused) grill paint (put on reverse of mirrors tro deflect DEW emf) high rated window tinting (eg.Florida) mylar blankets silicon
silver fibre clothing (buffers emf and energy fields as well as destroys bacteria) and leather and rubber clothes (help to buffer emf)
Personal Health: remove filings (they attract radiowaves and generate metal vapour which poisons the body-if a necessity only composite filing should be had) don't frequent dentists (implants; rf chips) German new medicine ECS machine (electro-cranial stimulation) Rife machine (radio frequency generator) hand-held zapper ('Hulda Clark' zapper) Pemf device (pulsed elctromagnet) ozone generator (for atmosphere and distilled drinking water) natural fibre clothing (linen; silk; cotton) earplugs music (harpsichord; instrumental polyythmic) Health items: prayer/meditation-mat:: i)wool(magnetic resonance/piezoelectric effect) ii) orgonite blanket(above)layering of organic/inorganic materials(eg.carbon steel wool &wool) iii)yoga mat(bamboo reeds/wicker/natural material);
ION generator: purifies air, reduces inflammation/DOR(deadly orgone energy); Plasma gas/Ozone generator: purifies air, kills pathogens, increases oxygen/ozone in liquid/water, internal body purification. Oxygen singlet in O3 breaks off and binds to pathgoens, etc. destroying them via redox reactions; Chromotherapy color light: swathes or bulbs: activates correspondent chakras via sympathetic vibration Brain entrainment: Use: induce states of consciousness/certain brain waves for neural remodelling of axonal connections/synapses, mood states,blood electrification,induce development of synapses/modifies brain architecture/pre-frontal cortical conditioning/activation; induces trance states, enables remote viewing/psi abilities) etc. via electrical, sonic &V visual means: A) electro-cranial device(small handheld-least expensive; typically direct transcranial or direct body connection via electrodes)); B) RF(radio-frequency generator-typically most expensive) C) Cymatics:[sound generator-polyrythmic music, eg. baroque(harpsichord/other), sitar, dulcimer, complex drumming /drum machines(synthesizers) Helps confuse RNM/mapping of T.I consciousness by perps When you detect electronic assault emply brain entrainment tech. Magnets: increase voltage/boost energy field; anti-inflammatory if ~polarity of magnet used; Magnet chair: folding metal chair with magnets underneath seat, preferably with wool blanket on top(piezoelectric effect). B)Magnetic bed (magnetic mattress pad); C)magnetized food/drink plates/containers worn on jewellery (ear studs; necklaces; bracelets,etc.) Red heat lamp/near-infrared sauna[red bulb/colored light swathe):draws toxins out of body; induces sweating; initiates liver detox via sympathetic resonance of vibrational frequency(red); use during daytime from waking taper off as night approaches
Amber/orange low blue lights: reduces hormonal/mood altering blue light; use wrap around glasses(uvex); bulbs; computer screens(color film) 'Violet ray machine'/hand-held high frequency eletrotherapy instrument: calms nerves; analgesic; localized sterilization; exfoliation; destroys cancerous moles/tumours; accelerates blood circulation; increases tissue cellular metabolism; anti-wrinkle; stimulates lymphatic drainage; breaks up calcification; use on: joints; muscles;blood vessels;blemishes;
Crystals:A)jewels: around neck(pendant); wrists(bracelets); on body(brooches, etc.).
B) environment(under/over/around): bed/bath/electronic equipment etc.).C) food/water Use: activates chakras; brings in energy; amplifies morphogenic field/energy body; improves resonance/integrity of self,structures water; facilitates growth, etc.
Musical instruments: A)bongo: induces trance states/altered states of conciousness; activates/depresses metabolism,etc.; improves mind/body integrity through sound wave generation through mechanical exertion; B)pan-pipe: as above+ trains breathing techniques/lung capacity
Anti-EMF: use: buffer/shield electromagnetic fields to prevent mind control via cell towers/electrical grid/HAARP, etc.; Forms:A) clothing/fabric(typically silver fibre interwoven with nylonVbambooVcotton material. hats;trenchcoats;gloves;socks;facemasks;etc; B)shielding paint for dwellings/other structures. Also Shungite stones&black tourmaline are useful for this purpose as well as having negative ionic properties for antiinflammatory function. --Vaporizer: increases H2O in atmosphere;clears sinuses; amplifies O2 facilitates respiration -- Handheld Vibration machine:use: post application of oil to facilitate purpose: increases blood/lymph flow/muscle electrical activity; breaks up calcification/adipose tissue;
Drinking vessel:i)glass(preferably dark-pyrex for energy absorption/minimizing breakage/heating in oven) ii)crystal(iff~lead content)iii)sterling silver pitcher/cup(antimicrobial,sterilization); additional items in vessel:i)shungite[giza pyramid dimensions] (negative ions/piezoelectric/black absorbs surrounding energy b/c absence of light);ii)silver bullion .999(above);iii)magnet[ization]: place vessel on magnetized ferrous metal plate/pan,etc.(eg.cast- iron), magnetized by a)high gauss N43-N52 neodymium magnets in b)sacred geometrical array(eg.hex/oct-agonal circle, etc.)depending on purpose c)placing opposite polarity in opposition on plate &V around vessel via elastics/string(, cotton depending on purpose) of certain color,electrified via battery extending from copper wire or placed in flowing water; purification methods(priority sequence): 1)distilled(make own distiller-STC); 2)R.O.S(reverse osmosis);avoid all alkaline/structured water;smaller dinking vessels: ~250ml.+pyrex glass containers w/ larger to fit over and serve as dust cover/fridge storage/minimize breakage
Tongue scraper: purpose: clean residue from tongue; enables optimal secretion of digestive enzymes through exposure of tastebuds to chemicals in food; preferably sterling silver cutlery/wire or silicon implement
Toothbrush: Soladey titanium dioxide rod w/solar panel (generates
negative ions that break up bacteria when activated by light via solar panel & via ionic rod coming into contact W/ saliva); hemp sticks an alternative to brushing with above Neti pot: eliminates mucous in sinuses; Footbath: generates vibration/heat; use w/ magnesium sulfate(epsom salts) to extricate internal toxins via soles/increase magnesium for anti-inflammatory/nutritional status Spiky reflexology sandals ('spikes'): preferably wood or iron sandal soles w/ cross patterns cut in to create 'spikes'; enables soles of feet to breath/sweat for detox; activates reflexology points; improves mind/body integrity
Gravity-fed enema bag: 1.5L minimum; colon cleansing/administration of liquid for retention enemas
Sterling silver [flatware/cutlery/plates/pitchers, etc.]: see above + barter item in emergency
colloidal silver:anti pathogenic/microbial/bactericidal nano particles of .999 silver generated via electrical current into . 999 silver bullion V wire via alligator clips Exfoliation: purpose: removal of skin cells to allow pores to respire/sweat for detoxification of body/moving lymph fluid around lymph vessels via mechanical pressure: A) cloth(bodyshop-fine nylon/sissel fibre cloth); B)loofa(marine plant segment used as brush); C)Scalp brush(stiff boar bristle brush; D) scalp massage brush( wooden roundtipped bristles for stimulating scalp/blood/lymph flow
Gum stimulator: builds gum tissue through irritation of gums; initiation of growth response; anchors teeth in mouth; reduces gingivitis;
Pyrex glass straw(pipette/silicon tubing): purpose: avoid enamel damage from fruit juice/acids
Sanitation: UV light toothbrush box small airtight vacuum seal container gum stimulator+refills toothbrush(soladey+replacement heads) safety razors+blades+small brush electric head shaver nail trimmer mechanical nostril trimmer loofa (exfoliate) scalp brush(boar bristle) scalp stimulator ~ion/03 generator pot(bedey)Vbedey attachment enema bag extra virgin coconut oil Grecian olive oil soap towels(x2 large; x1 small) baking powder (laundry; tooth brushing) vinegar (dish washing) activated charcoal powder edible clay (ca+ montmorillonite; zeolite) epsom salt (magnesium source-calm/relax) water distillation machine diatomaceous earth (bedbugs-put around bedposts) hydrogen peroxide+dropper (wound irrigation; ear wax elimination-STC) exfoliating cloth(x2) carmex; vaseline
hand held devices: hulfa clark parasite zapper cranial electric stimulation machine pulsed electromagnetic device(pemf) coronal discharge/violet ray wand vibration EXERCISE STUFF:
Pinhole glasses: strengthens eye muscles; reduces brightness enabling inner sight Trampoline: moves lymph around body/lymphatic vessels/exercises internal organs via g-forces generated through impact; builds immunity thereby; also detoxification; proprioception(body position awareness)/balance; preferably square shaped as less foot eversion/potential damage; --Broomstick: ~5-10lbs.(preferably 10 lbs. for average person)/4-6'long/1"dia.wide; purpose: spinal exercise(spinal muscles; intervertebral discs-go at a controlled smooth pace not too vigorous and always keeping trunk muscles tight; twist spine back and forthside to side 20-30 reps each --Hand squeezers: A) multi-spring old school spring squeezer; purpose: strengthens 'closed fist grip'; milks veins of arms;moves lymph/blood around body; increase electrical activity in hands;B)spring-squeezer(v-shaped/single spring)purpose: trains hand in different, awkward way-not recommended; Pull/chin-up bar/playground equipment : straight/telescoping rod; can be installed in door frame(for back and arms); Cardiovascular equipment: purpose: repetitive large muscle group movement inducing increase of cardiovascular systemic metabolism; lung capacity; sweating/detox; muscular electrical activity A) Stationary/recumbant cycle: recommend magnetic resistance whereby one magnet can be moved closer/further from other to increase/decrease resistance; B)elliptical: same principle as A); C) bike trainer: fluid or magnetic stationary 'trainer' to use w/ conventional bicycle. caveat: most generate excessive noise; may also wear down the perineum and cause impotence D)bicycle; E)snow shoes; F) walking shoes Personal Survival(B.O.B- 'bug out bag'; frame backpack military style) source: military surplus; thrift stores; garage sales sources: thrift stores;wholesalers; garage sales; family inheritance; internet,etc. Personal affects(on body): polar sleeping bag(duck/goose down) down-filled parka
wool garments('bush' jackets/pants) fur clad leather gauntlet gloves polar boots('mickey mouse' style)V mukluks+extra laces facial covering(balaclava)/down-filled or felt face mask wool socks(outer); nylon inner frame backpack fur hat (ushanka style) mocassins further survival gear; fire : lighters(zippo;bic);cotton balls soaked in vaseline; spark lighter/fire starter(magnesium, etc.); waterproof matches; liquor flask full of kerosene/lighter fluid; tinder(dried sticks, etc.) water: ozone generator(miniature, battery powered); colloidal silver generator(miniature): 9volt batteries+jumper cable+alligator clips+.999 silver wire;silver bullion; portable filtration unit: lifestraw, katadyne filter; stainless steel cup on thermos(store all items inside) sanitation: wash basin; soap(100% olive oil); coconut oil; toothbrush+sanitizer; scissors; safety razor+blades; hydrogen peroxide; baking powder; wash cloth; eye dropper; gum stimulator; scalp brush; loofa; exfoliation cloth; pumice stone; nail clippers; q-tips; stainless steel mirror; ear plugs; shooting ear muffs clothes: long underwear(wool); boxers; socks(extras); extra shoes+laces; money belt(animal leather); sweaters; gloves(security) 1st aid kit: razor knife; sting/venom kit(wasps;ticks;snakes, etc.); sewing needle+thread; cayenne; stretch bandage+splints; bandanas(cottonV linen); food grade activated charcoal powder; zeolite/terramin clay communication: compass; map; cell;I.D(iff~public authority probs., eg.for employment, etc.); edible plants; 1st aid pamphlet Sleep: sleeping bag+roll/mat; wool blanket info./data preservation: multiple computers; External hard drives; USB; external disc drives; power cords; Cd/DVD-RWs(burnt info in hard copy); battery powered walkman/discman(+batteries; CDs; cassette tapes); magnetic tape data storage; condense printed text(print back to front; small font)-> laminate infographics/important documents to be scanned and reused/made public food stocks: dried fruit; nuts/seeds(almond/peanut butter); turmeric; ;starch: (oats; rice, etc.); herbs; spices; chlorella tabs; dried seaweed; sardines; ghee; waxed cheese tools: multi-tools; hammers(claw;sledge); saws(hack;wood); wrenches(adjustible); screwdrivers(multi-bit); pry bars; wire cutters/strippers; nails/screws(large; small;med.); electrical drill; generator; plastic sealable gas jugs; hex wrench; axe;
lock picks; glass cutters; Food: minimum 2 months supply at all times Water: large jugs full (100 L at all times) (R.O.S V Distilled preferable)
Coping techniques: 3rd eye Meditation Mantras networking with proven T.Is to share information and for mutual aid and support communal living Exposing the Crime: Propaganda: (referencing gangstalking websites and quoting jews' anti-white statements. Messages which are brief; pithy and evoke an emotional reaction in the viewer,eg. shame; guilt; anger; outrage, as well as interest in the terrorist activity of the Hidden Hand. Examples could be: "Community Policing is Terrorism"; "Gangstalking"; "Spy Society"; "Gangstalking is Terorism", using eg. QR codes to urls of website and/or website domain name: eg money bills with permanent marker ink stamped messages using adjustable business letter stamp chalk (greasy kind-neon gets attention best) send flyers to media and other people pamphlets; leaflets; stickers (on vehicle windshield wipers; tossed out of vehicle on front lawns of people; placed up in public places: bus stops; etc. caveat: be ware of local laws and bylaws to avoid legal trouble, eg. littering laws; mischief; nuisance,etc.)
social media and online activism: memes and links to websites or forum to spread the message (as above) email: anonymous mass emails and faxes to organizations; key individuals set up a website or forum for community discussions as well as group or person-to-person conversation on audio-
video platforms Dealing with Police: "I'm on a terrorist watchlist" (this indicates to them they must not interfere with your activities but simply monitor you from afar) "I reserve all I free to go" (freeman on the land advice) 5 words: "I have nothing to say" "I'm represented by counsel": give lawyers name If caught video recording people etc.: "I'm documenting illegal[ of alphabet agency or omit...] surveillance and counter surveillance stalking" (Stephen O'Keefe) caveat: attempt to avoid being conspicuous Have on hand technical diagrams of D.E.Ws and microwave weapons technology to proof the existence of such should this be the point of contention
exterior: padlocks: Grade 6 high security shrouded padlock (large-style) Sargent & Greenleaf (S&G) 951 or 833 Padlock; Abloy Protec2 PL 362 Shrouded Hardened Steel Padlock (Finland) ; Anchor Las 590-6 Padlock (Swedish); EVVA MCS Shrouded Padlock (Austria)
smaller padlocks: S & G wheel combination padlock security cameras on property: motion sensor; flood lights Doors: steel door interior: deadbolt Abloy Protec2 Jimmy Proof Deadlock Deadbolt; BiLock Jimmy Proof Deadlock Deadbolt; door reinforcement : DJArmor Platinum Jamb Armor Combo Kit for Standard Doors deadbolts: Expanding Bolt for Abloy Deadbolts all of the above from: Hasps: HS1 Heavy Duty Hasp & Staple chain: Hardened boron steel high grade chain travelling: portable door locks: Calslock; MasterBolt; Addalock; Qicklock Portable Travel Door Lock; Pocket Lock Portable Door Lock; windows: burglar bar; metal mesh; spring loaded expandable bar; security film (to prevent smash entry/mischeif); bottom of door: DoorJammer Portable Door Brace; Wedge Door Stop Security Alarm; Door Barricade Brace Night Security Lock: eg. nightlock ($40) vehicle security: security film boot lock (on wheel) club-style lock on steering wheel)
vehicle: Mul-T-Lock (jewish company unfortunately) door: ArmaDLock gearshift: MVP 45 personal defense(be aware of local laws): body armour: helmet; face mask; shin guards; bullet proof vest blade: pants pockets: spring-loaded folder knife; fixed blade; large machete collapsible baton (friction) steel shot gloves or kevlar knuckle; baseball bat(aluminum); collapsible baton kubaton or monkey fist on key set guns: rifle: sako; winchester 270.; with nightvision scope handgun/sidearm: ruger mark 3 or 4; .38 special blue-black metal.357 smith and wesson revolver shotgun:12 gauge pump action semi-auto shotgun semi-automatic (repeating) military-style rifle: sub-machine gun (smg): H&K MP5; MAC-11; Scorpion machie pistol bb gun: pistol and rifle + lead bbs gun locks+keys;gun cleaning kit(oil; rags; brushes); [homemade]body armour(kevlar helmet+ballistic face shield/face mask/kevlar vest; ballistic shield) home made weapons (in WROL/SHTF situation): (look up on internet for instructions): pepper spray; microwave maser/herf gun; stun gun; pipe guns; Homemade wooden 'knucks'(mahogany/cherrywood;teak) straight razor; lead-filled cane;
Avoiding false diagnosis of mental illness:
"Frankly I strongly recommend that you keep your faculties together & avoid going to see physiatrists & psychologists, because the pattern that is evolving is that they are highly complicit in these operations."-The Investigative Journal interviews Julianne McKinney, April 19th, 2006, Subject: Directed Energy Weapons & Gang Stalking
"If you see a mental health professional as a result of Mobbing/Organized Stalking, you may be misdiagnosed with a mental disorder." (Rich, State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns: The Hidden Evil",pg.48)
dealing with psychiatrists and ‘mental health professionals’: always convey only literal meaning and appear as ‘average’/normal as possible displaying no idiosyncracies taht could be portrayed as ‘symptoms’ of ‘mental illness’ state only “I’m not a danger to myself or others” ensure you obtain informed consent should any ‘treatment’ be imposed upon you; do not consent to the extent possible without enabling the state to justify imposing physical force or confinement against you. If institutionalized behave as normally as possible and ween yourself off the drugs as quickly as possible. Dealing with Implants: Where or have around oneself magnets to disrupt the transmission/transceiving of emf by perps. Possibly have implants removed by a trustworthy surgeon (if one can be found and the chip/implant can be detected) Avoid dentistry and dental surgery especially tht which entails being anaestetized ('put under') as this is the primary vehicle through which chipping is carried out (typical location: lower right jaw and upper left jaw-the route of the vagus nerve which governs motor function. This enables perps to emply D.E.Ws to influence the movement of the T.I) Dealing with RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation): other defenses: MultiTasking
Learn how to multitask as multitasking causes you to think in multiple threads. When you are constantly thinking in multiple threads (multiple tasks or thoughts) then there is no coherent pattern for the perps to establish and integrate into RNM data. In other words, ‘integration completion’ between the RNM system and your brain is hindered and without your response to that specific ‘impulse injection’, the RNM verification process is breaks apart. If you are unaware of this constant mental manipulation the system will begin to shape your thoughts and behavior. They will use this to [attempt to] restrict your thoughts and behavior by blocking [interfering with] your memory and thought process while these suggestions (injected impulses) are being provided the interference is triggered and can be activated at will by the attackers.
Dealing with Perps:
Dealing with Perps: Covertly monitor perps with recording devices and practice mindfulness at all times to avoid being struck by vehicles; assaulted; set up/framed Do not respond in any way that could be construed by the 'reasonable man' as aggressive; emotionally erratic; threatening or suspicious to avoid potential public opinion you are 'mentally ill'. Maintain the facade or normalcy at all times. "Perps have to blindly obey within a second. Or they will be punished. I have often witnessed it on the bus or skytrain or in line ups. Wherever harassment takes place, there is always a supervisor near. The perps look at the supervisor for the ok to set off their weapons. This is done by eye blinking. The supervisors never carry a cellphone openly in their hand. Many of them wear a suit to demonstrate their authority. When perps escalate a situation, the supervisor will step in and de-escalate it. Supervisors often saved me from being apprehended by the police due to some stupid act of a perp. The police yields to the intervention of the supervisor, this is how I found out who is boss. The higher supervisors are Mossad agents." (quotation from a targeted individual) Compile a list of names; faces and residences of perps in the form of audio-video and photographic evidence which can be used to charge them with: harassment; sexual assault; voyeurism; property damage; buisance; mishcief; disruption of the quiet enjoyment of the premises (bylaw violation); break and enter (B&E) or whatever other crime they may have committed. Prepare in advance to have the lifst and other information available for release by a an online 'deadman's switch' which will automatically send the information (be it a link to a storage site or websites of your own you keep clandestine) to trusted sources should something happen to you. This may lead to the perps being brought to justice.
Message to the Freemasons (‘shabbos goyim’): The following quotations from the protocols of the elders of zion serve to illustrate both the purposes of freemasonry for the jews and the latter’s intentions towards freemasons. The fate of the traitor to their people is writ large in these quotations from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: "[W]e shall create and multiply free masonic lodges in all the countries of the world, absorb into them all who may become or who are prominent in public activity, for these lodges we shall find our principal intelligence office and means of influence. All these lodges we shall bring under one central administration, known to us alone and to all others absolutely unknown, which will be composed of our learned elders. The lodges will have their representatives who will serve to screen the above-mentioned administration of MASONRY and from whom will issue the watchword and program. In these lodges we shall tie together the knot which binds together all revolutionary and liberal elements. Their composition will be made up of all strata of society. The most secret political plots will be known to us and fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception. AMONG THE MEMBERS OF THESE LODGES WILL BE ALMOST ALL THE AGENTS OF INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL POLICE since their service is for us irreplaceable in the respect that the police is in a position not only to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate, but also to screen our activities and provide pretexts for discontents[...]" (Protocol 15) "It is natural that we and no other should lead MASONIC activities, for we know whither we are leading, we know the final goal of every form of activity whereas the GOYIM have knowledge of
nothing, not even of the immediate effect of action; they put before themselves, usually, the momentary reckoning of the satisfaction of their self-opinion in the accomplishment of their thought without even remarking that the very conception never belonged to their initiative but to our instigation of their thought[...]" (ibid.) "You cannot imagine to what extent the wisest of the GOYIM can be brought to a state of unconscious naivete in the presence of this condition of high conceit of themselves, and at the same time how easy it is to take the heart out of them by the slightest ill-success, though it be nothing more than the stoppage of the applause they had, and to reduce them to a slavish submission for the sake of winning a renewal of success ... BY SO MUCH AS OURS DISREGARD SUCCESS IF ONLY THEY CAN CARRY THROUGH THEIR PLANS, BY SO MUCH THE "GOYIM" ARE WILLING TO SACRIFICE ANY PLANS ONLY TO HAVE SUCCESS. This psychology of theirs materially facilitates for us the task of setting them in the required direction. These tigers in appearance have the souls of sheep and the wind blows freely through their heads[...]" (ibid.) "With this purpose we shall slay without mercy all who take arms (in hand) to oppose our coming into our kingdom. Every kind of new institution of anything like a secret society will also be punished with death; those of them which are now in existence, are known to us, serve us and have served us, we shall disband and send into exile to continents far removed from Europe. IN THIS WAY WE SHALL PROCEED WITH THOSE "GOY" MASONS WHO KNOW TOO MUCH; such of these as we may for some reason spare will be kept in constant fear of exile.” EXILE? THE GOY FREEMASONS WERE EXECUTED AFTER THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION.......
4) REFERENCES Books: Health: "Ubermenscheit: Health Protocols" (for details on optimal health and wellness) "Salubrious Living", Arnold Devries (for additional fasting protocols) Psycho-Spiritual: Julius Evola, "The Doctrine of Awakening: Buddhist Varieties of Aescesis"; "Zen: The Religion of the Samurai"; Hagur, "Development of the Will"; William Walker Atkinson (thought force; personal magnetism, etc.) 'mental health' profession: "Psychiatric Fraud", Richard Lighthouse mind Control: "The Communist Brainwashing manual: Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics",L Ron Hubbard "Chainless Slaves: Trauma Programming", U.W.Ozian "How the Illuminati Create a Total, Undetectable, Mind Control Slave"; "Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula", Fritz Springmeier "Mind Control,NLP & Hypnosis", David Shuttleworth Organised Stalking and Eletronic Harassment(OSEH): "State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns: The Hidden Evil", Mark. M. Rich "The Protocols of Gangstalking", Dr.Erik Karlstrom "New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control", Mark M.Rich "State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns: The Hidden Evil", Mark M. Rich "Australia's Darkest Secertes: Ritual Abuse; Mind Control and Gangstalking Exposed", A.Seefeldt "Microwave mind control: Modern torture and control mechanisms eliminating human rights and privacy",Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD, Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland
"Gangstalking and Mind Control: The Destruction of Society Through Community Spying Networks", A.K.Forwood Websites: Targeted Individuals; gangstalking; and directed energy weapons:
MARCHING ORDERS Armed with this information weapon it is the will of the author and compiler that the reader take aim and blast the cabal in its black heart and assist in the liberation of the earth and its denizens from the electro-magnetic matrix it has been imprisoned it. Rend the veil of appearances the hidden hand has blinded humanity with and let the light shine upon a new world of harmonious order.